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5:20 AM


Posted by jobin

Why do people Downgrade firmware?
Many people on this site are interested in running game iso's and homebrew code on their PSP's.

Sony's official firmware will not allow this.

To use homebrew programs and play iso games, an official firmware needs to first be downgraded to V1.5.

Once a PSP is at Version 1.5, the best and easiest way to play and load games iso's, is to install an 'OE' firmware. 'OE' stands for 'open edition' and indicates that it is a 'hacked' firmware.

To play the very latest games, you need to have the very latest version of an 'OE' firmware.

3.80 M33-5 CFW (Custom Firmware) direct on your PSP!
For Fat PSP and PSP Slim&Lite!

Tis is the Easiest Tutorial for installing 3.80 M33-5 CFW direct on your PSP.
100% workin and tested
What u will need (Hardware):
  • 1 Homebrewable FAT or SLIM PSP with Custom Firmware (Homebrewable means a PSP on CFW, wich can run Homebrew)
  • 1 ORGINAL Memory Stick with min. 256Mb- max.4Gb (Format your MS before creating Pandora!!!)
  • 1 Orginal Fat Battery (Battery of normal PSP. Not Slim Battery!!!)
  • And of course the PSP, wich need to be downgraded

What u will need (Software):

Create a Pandora Battery:

1. Copy Hellcats Pandora Installer 3a in Game Folder (ms:/PSP/GAME/Hellcats Pandora Installer 3a) and Start Homebrew on PSP


Now preSS R +X
and accept by pressing R +L + X
(Your Psp will prepare the Memory Stick for Pandora)

4. Connect PSP to PC and copy Despertar del Cementerio V4 & Hellcats Pandora Installer 3a in Game Folder
(If there is nothing, create folders manually: ms:/PSP/GAME/)

5. Copy 150.pbp, 340.pbp and 380.pbp in Root of your Memory Stick (ms:/)

6. Disconnect PSP, run Despertar del Cementerio V4 and press Attached Image and wait. When it is finished, u will see PSP menu (XMB).

Attached Image

7. Now run Hellcats Pandora Installer 3a once again and press Attached Image + Attached Image to make from your normal MS a Magic MS.

8. If thats finished start Hellcats Pandora Installer 3a again and press Attached Image to make
your normal Battery a Magic Battery.

Congrats! You have created your own Pandora Kit!

How to use:

1. Take bricked PSP. (PSP wich needs to be downgraded)
2. Insert Magic Memory Card
3. Insert Magic Battery
4. Press Attached Image
Now it will install 3.80 m33-5 direct to your PSP!

How to make MS and Battery normal:

1. Run PSP without Battery (Use AC/Charger)
2. When PSP is in XMB (Main Menu of PSP) insert Battery
3. Run Hellcats Pandora Installer 3a and press Attached Image to make your Battery a normal one
4. Atleast format your MS and enjoy!

Regards, Hakan (Tony).

Attached File(s)

